BECC strategies and plans
On this page we have gathered strategies and plans that are important in BECC. We encourage all researchers and staff at BECC to read the Research strategy and the current Plan of operations.
BECCs work is guided by its research strategy that stretches five years at a time. This is complemented by a yearly plan of operations and a strategic plan for the Grand Challenges.
We encourage all BECC researchers to read the strategy and the yearly plan of operations.
The Swedish Research Council et al. Evaluation of the strategic research area initiative 2010-2014.

BECC Research Strategy
BECCs current research strategy stretches from 2021-2025 an sets the agenda and the direction for the research conducted.

Yearly plan of operations
The yearly plan of operations seeks to break down the extensive work within BECC and make it more manageable on a yearly basis.

BECC Research Themes
Strategic plans for BECCs three research themes 2021-2025: Biodiversity under Global Change, Ecosystem Services under Global Change, 4C - Carbon Cycle and Climate Change.