BECC guest researchers
BECC welcomes guest researchers to work in areas within BECCs scientific framework, with the aim to further strengthen the research and research groups.
To become a guest researcher, you need to be invited by one of our researchers. Any member of BECC can apply for funds to invite a guest researcher. On the link below you will find all necessary information on how to apply for a guest researcher:
How to apply for a guest researcher
Apart from guest researchers, many researchers in BECC host colleagues from abroad and are invited to go for research stays at other universities.
University of Potsdam Germany
Detlef Sprinz –
Interview with Detlef Sprinz:
Guest researcher Prof. Detlef F. Sprinz on working with the topic of forest carbon removals in BECC
University of Swansea, UK
Stefan Doerr –
University of Melbourne, Australia
Peter Christoff –
Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
Emily Martin Poppenborg –
Université de Montréal, Canada
Oliver Sonnentag –
University Federal de Goias, Brazil
Rosane Collevatti –
Department of Biology, Biological & Geological Sciences Building,Western University, Canada
Danielle Way –
Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology at Colorado State University
Read more about Liba Pejchar
IVL Svenska miljöinstitutet
Per-Erik Karlsson –
Bremen University, Germany
Read more about Jeroen Groeneveld
University of Toronto, Canada
Steven Bernstein –
Colorado State University, US
Michele Betsill –
Bowdoin College Brunswick US
Eric Nelson –
Plant Conservation Science Chicago Botanic Garden US
Eric Lonsdorf –
Matthias Belius University Slovakien
Ladislav Hamerlik –
Umeå University, Sweden. Now at Lund University.
Per Persson –
University of Oldenburg, Germany
Peter Harmand –
Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus, Germany
Frank Wätzold –
Interview with previous Professor Detlef F. Sprinz
"This was a rare opportunity for me to synthesize my research. I fleshed out things that were in my head, and tested ideas and talked to other researchers and stakeholders, both here in Lund and elsewhere. I certainly did appreciate this opportunity."
"A highlight during my stay was the BECC Grand Seminar “Incentivizing forest carbon sinks?” In a nice setting - it brought together departments, faculties, stakeholders, and interest groups during an extended seminar where I presented my ideas, and we listened to other interesting and knowledgeable researchers and practitioners."
Click to read the entire interview.