BECC support functions
BECC supports its researchers with different outreach and cooperation activities. As a BECC researcher you are also expected to highlight your affiliation when communicating your research. On these pages we have gathered valuable information and tools for outreach and communication.
Administrative support
The BECC administration is a strategic support for the board. We are also here to help you as BECC members with all types of questions that you might have with regards to your engagement in BECC. We offer support with everything from arranging an event to apply for funding.
Research Coordinator, Josefin Madjidian
+46 46 222 98 15
josefin [dot] madjidian [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (josefin[dot]madjidian[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
Research Administrator, Lina Nikoleris
+46 761 34 85 62
lina [dot] nikoleris [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (lina[dot]nikoleris[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
Communications Officer, Therese Ek
+46 70 322 62 86
therese [dot] ek [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (therese[dot]ek[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
Research Support, LU Land, Juliana Dänhardt
+46 703 034 473
juliana [dot] danhardt [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (juliana[dot]danhardt[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
Support with outreach and interaction with society
The BECC Grand Seminar series has the ambition to connect scholars across disciplines. The ultimate objective is to engage BECC scholars to build cross-disciplinary knowledge and competence through sharing and discussions. Thus, the focus is on broadening knowledge, rather than deepening, which is often the purpose of other seminars and workshops within BECC.
Who can arrange a Grand Seminar
Seminars can be suggestions from researchers, research groups but can also be initiated from the board. BECC themes can also arrange seminars; proposals for these should be submitted to theme leaders who take the decisions.
We also encourage to invite stakeholders to the Grand Seminars, both as guest speakers and as participants.
Decisions on BECC seminars are taken by the deputy coordinator.
Do you have suggestions for cross- and interdisciplinary seminars? Please contact Fariborz Zelli.
fariborz [dot] zelli [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (subject: BECC%20seminar%20series) (fariborz[dot]zelli[at]svet[dot]lu[dot]se)
All the seminars have a similar format. They run for 2–3 hours. The seminar begins with an introduction of the theme followed by brief thought-provoking presentation by BECC and other invited scholars (10 mins) which should represent as broad a range of BECC research as possible. The seminar includes participatory session(s) including small group discussions under the guidance of a moderator.
Small financing and assistance to arrange and promote seminars are available.
Please consider gender aspects, inter-disciplinary aspects, synthesis, stakeholder and the connection between Gothenburg and Lund when sending in proposals for different activities.
Upcoming events
Scheduled seminars can be found in the BECC calendar
BECC seminars are opportunities to gather researchers around central questions, emerging research topics or new research findings. Small financing support and assistance to arrange and promote seminars is available. A seminars can be suggested by researchers, Themes or the Board. Decisions on BECC seminars are taken by the BECC Board.
Contact Fariborz Zelli for more information.
fariborz [dot] zelli [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (subject: BECC%20seminar%20series) (fariborz[dot]zelli[at]svet[dot]lu[dot]se)
It is also possible to utilize the Workshop mechanism for outreach activities. Any member of BECC can apply for funds for workshops, but the Board in particular welcomes proposals from the Themes and Action Groups. A BECC workshop must be open for all BECC researchers.
BECC welcomes initiatives that results in interactions with stakeholders. Resources allocated to Themes can be used to such activities, but you are always welcome to contact us for more information, for example helping you to find potential stakeholders to contact.
Contact Juliana Dänhardt for more information.
juliana [dot] danhardt [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (juliana[dot]danhardt[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
Also consider the Lund University Sustainability Forum, which is coordinated at CEC.
Stakeholder interaction guide
In many research projects, stakeholder interaction is ad hoc rather than strategic and systematic. This guide provides advice on good practice, strategies and tools for researchers and research groups interested in finding effective ways to involve stakeholders in their research and have an impact on society.
The guide was written by Daniel Slunge (UGOT), Olof Drakenberg (UGOT), Anders Ekbom (UGOT), Maria Göthberg (UGOT), Åsa Knaggård (LU) and Ullrika Sahlin (LU). It was produced as part of the BECC financed research project STAKE – Practices and Barriers to Stakeholder Interaction – Challenges for Research Projects.
Download the stakeholders interaction guide
BiodivERsA Stakeholder Engagement Handbook
The BiodivERsA Stakeholder Engagement Handbook has been created for researchers planning and carrying out research projects on biodiversity and ecosystem services, and may be a useful resource for the wider environmental science community. It is designed to assist research teams identify relevant stakeholders to engage with in order to enhance the impact of their work, and select appropriate methods of stakeholder engagement.
Download the BiodivERsA Stakeholder Engagement Handbook
Presentation: From science to fact-based political decisions
In 2021 we had a visit from the communications consultant bureau Westanders. Nils Grunditz made an interesting presentation on the conditions for scientists to communicate and how to better reach decision makers while maintaining public trust in the research community and in science as basis for decisions.
Planning of meetings
Are you planning a meeting with many participants or a conference? Pleas use our Work plan for organisers of meetings and conferences in BECC.
Download Working Plan for organizers of meetings and conferences
Travel instructions
BECC pays for travel for researchers travelling to a BECC event. All trips shall be booked through your university´s travel agency.
BECC's administration is organised at the Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC). At CEC, there are specific procedures and checklists in place to support the work of knowledge synthesis. For syntheses that are developed in collaboration with CEC or with the involvement of researchers affiliated with CEC, it is therefore always advisable to get in touch with the synthesis coordinator at CEC and the communication officer at BECC as early as possible in the planning process to receive the best possible support during the work.
It might be difficult to easily grasp the scope of the research conducted within BECC, and how it is important to the wider society. On this page, we gather short mini documentaries about our research - explained by some of our scientists. You are more than welcome to use these films, for example in contacts with stakeholders or for educational purposes.
Click on the link to get to the films:
Communication support
Affiliation: a researcher's connection or affiliation with a university or other organization.
A researcher's affiliation is important in bibliometric analyses to link publications to the higher learning institution at which the research was conducted. Correct affiliation is important in evaluations and distribution of funds both between higher education institutions and within them.
Acknowledgment: When publishing research results, an acknowledgement indicates the support the author has received, such as financial support.
Affiliation in scientific papers
It is not possible to affiliate with BECC in scientific papers since this would require a Box-address, which BECC does not have. Usually, your affiliation in scientific papers is the home university (department/s).
Affiliation in scientific reports, for example synthesis and policy briefs
When possible, add BECC as an organisation that you are affiliated with, together with the home university and department. This is especially important if your work was financed by BECC. Example of how to write the affiliation:
Centre for Environmental and Climate Science, Biodiversity and Ecosystem services in a Changing Climate, Lund University.
Acknowledgement in scientific publications, talks and posters, reports, and relevant applications
Most often the best option to highlight BECC is in the acknowledgements, this goes for relevant applications, talks, posters, reports, and scientific publications etc.
Always acknowledge BECC if:
- You have received funding from BECC to work with the product at hand.
- You are a BECC PI and the product is of BECC-relevance.
We welcome the acknowledgment of BECC if:
- You have received administrative support from BECC to work with the product at hand.
- You are in a setting where it is relevant to showcase BECC.
Examples of how to write acknowledgments:
“X is supported by the Strategic Research Area “Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate”, BECC, funded by the Swedish government.”
“The research presented in this paper is a contribution to the Strategic Research Area “Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate”, BECC, funded by the Swedish government.”
Highlight BECC in profiles on ResearchGate and on social media
If you have a profile on ResearchGate, we encourage you to name BECC in the Affiliation section, under the heading Description.
If you are active on LinkedIn, we encourage you to name BECC in the profile description, or in the experience section.
If you are active on Twitter, we encourage you to tag the BECC-account, or name BECC in your profile description, if there is room.
BECC has a couple of communication channels where we communicate updates from the research environment on a regular basis. We welcome all input on content.
BECC has an internal newsletter with information that is relevant to researchers within BECC.
Contactlina [dot] nikoleris [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (subject: Information%20to%20the%20BECC%20Newsletter) ( Lina Nikoleris) if you have any information, including newly published articles, that you would like to highlight.
BECC has an account on X. However, for the time being, we are not very active on this platform.
Centre for environmental and climate science (CEC) at Lund University has a LinkedIn-page. On this page, we also publish BECC-related news.
Contact therese [dot] ek [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (subject: Content%20for%20BECCs%20Twitter) (Therese Ek) if you have a suggestion for a post on LinkedIn.
BECC logo
BECC logotype cmyk colours (JPG, 238 kB, new tab)
BECC logotype rgb colours (PNG, 47 kB, new tab)
If you miss any format of the logo (tiff, eps), contact our communications officer Therese Ek and she will send it to you: therese [dot] ek [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (therese[dot]ek[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
Powerpoint template for BECC
Download powerpoint template (PPT, 369 kB)
Backgound image for Zoom
If you need an information folder about BECC, you can download it on the link below. If you need it printed in a professional version, please contact therese [dot] ek [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (subject: BECC%20information%20folder) (Therese Ek)
Do you have questions regarding press and media relations? Contact CEC communication manager Anna Maria Erling:
E-mail: anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (anna_maria[dot]erling[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
Phone: +46 46 222 68 96 or +46 70 574 89 97
Lund University is a member of the online news outlet The Conversation UK. The Conversation gives researchers the chance to write about current social events and new research in collaboration with an experienced editor. The articles can then be freely republished by other media and reach a global audience.
The Conversation covers a wide range of topics, including science and technology, politics and international affairs, medicine and health, economics and business, and arts and culture. The site’s articles reach a total audience of 10 million readers every month. Readership figures are on a par with science articles from The Guardian and The New York Times.
Learn more about writing for The Conversation.
To be able to write for The Conversation you must be affiliated with one of its member universities. If you are from UGOT, you could write by joining forces with one of your colleagues at LU. If you get commissioned to write, both of you will be credited.
If you want help to get started with at pitch - please visit the link above and/or contact:
Anna-Maria Erling, communications manager at CEC
E-mail: anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (anna_maria[dot]erling[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
Phone: +46 46 222 68 96 or +46 70 574 89 97
Therese Ek, communcations officer at CEC (BECC and MERGE)
E-mail: therese [dot] ek [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (therese[dot]ek[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
The recruitment process within BECC is the same as for other positions at Lund University and University of Gothenburg. However, this guide comes with some extra tips to increase the chances of more candidates with relevant competence applying for BECC-related positions. The guide is partly based on a survey at the 2023 BECC annual meeting.
The guide is a living document. If you have anything you would like to add to the guide, please contact therese [dot] ek [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Therese Ek.)
Download the guide
The handbooks listed below generally addresses climate communication. However, most tips are viable when communicating other environmental issues as well.
Talking climate handbook – how to have a climate change conversation
Having conversations about climate change in our daily lives plays a huge role in creating social change. We take our cues about what’s important from what we hear our family, friends, colleagues and neighbours talking about. Politicians need strong social consent to implement successful climate policies.
But talking about climate change, especially beyond the green bubble, is hard. That’s why we’ve produced an evidence-based, practical guide to help make those conversations easier and more meaningful – and to come out of them feeling inspired and connected.
Download the handbook on Climate Outreach website: Talking climate handbook - how to have a climate change conversation - Climate Outreach
Communications handbook for IPCC scientists
This handbook sets out six principles for effective communication. With a wealth of research on the science of climate change communication and a focus on practical tips and case studies, this handbook serves as a valuable resource for IPCC authors – as well as the wider scientific community – to engage audiences with climate change.
Download the handbook on Climate Outreach website:
Communications handbook for IPCC scientists - Climate Outreach
A new era in climate communications
A New Era in Climate Communications is a collaborative effort spanning more than 60 contributors and organizations. Developed by the New Zero World in partnership and with the support of The Global Commons Alliance. The goal of the White Paper “A New Era in Climate Communications” is to propose a novel strategy for effective climate change communications across institutions and sectors.
Read and download the whitepaper and other useful content on their website:
A New Era in Climate Communication - Resources (

Highlight BECC in affiliations or acknowledgements
BECC PIs are always expected to name BECC in affiliations or acknowledgements. Other members are also encouraged to highlight BECC.
In the Communication support box below you will find detailed instructions on how to write affiliations and acknowledgements.