Principal Investigators
BECC consists of scientists at different stages of their career. A particular role is played by BECC’s Principal Investigators (PI:s) who, as representatives and leaders within the research groups encompassed by BECC in Lund and Gothenburg, contribute to the development of BECC.
A Principal Investigator (PI) in BECC is a permanently employed researcher at LU or UGOT (as researcher, associate senior lecturer, lecturer, or Professor). A BECC-PI demonstrates scientific leadership through pursuing an independent research program closely related to BECC’s research strategy, and significantly contributes to the strategic development of BECC as a research environment.
Current PI:s
List updated December 2024
Lund University
All names in the list below link to their respective web pages on Lund University's research portal.
- Anna Persson – urban biodiversity, human nature relations, landscape ecology, citizen science, ecosystem service
- Deniz Koca – system analysis, circular bioeconomy, modelling of complex dynamic systems, stakeholder facilitation
- Hakim Abdi – remote sensing, geospatial ecology, biodiversity, drylands, forests.
- Helena Hanson – green space governance, sustainable urban development, environmental sciences, climate change adaptation
- Jessica Knapp – biodiversity and ecosystem functions, agricultural landscapes, pollination services
- Johanna Alkan Olsson – natural resource management, stakeholder collaboration, processes of social change, environmental policy, regulatory scales
- Liam Kendall – pollinator biodiversity, crop pollination services, conservation, sustainable food production
- Maria Hansson – ecotoxicology
- Mark Brady – applied economics, agriculture, agent-based modelling, ecological economics, multidisciplinary
- Natascha Kljun – climate research, meteorology and atmospheric sciences, biospehere-atmosphere
- Océane Bartholomée – pollinator ecology, predictive modeling, evolutionary biology, agricultural landscapes, behavioural observations
- Per Persson – geochemistry, x-ray absorption spectroscopy, synchotron techniques, water-mineral interfaces, environmental chemistry
- Peter Olsson – GIS, big data, conservation
- Richard Walters – biodiversity in animals
- Romain Carrié – conservation of biodiversity, landscape scale, benefits of organic farming, pollination
- Ullrika Sahlin – risk assessment, uncertainty, economic-ecological modelling, Bayesian analysis, environmental decision making
- Wilhelm May – climate variability and change, climate extremes, land surface climate interactions, climate impact, synthesis
- William Sidemo Holm - nature conservation, policy instruments, land management, organic farming
- Yann Clough – landscape ecology, ecosystem services, agricultural policy, agroecology, land use intensity and scenarios
- Johan Lindström – mathematic analysis, spatial statistics, simulation based inference, uncertainty analysis, Gaussian Markov Random Fields
- Anders Tunlid – microbial ecology, decomposition, ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungi, cycling of nutrients and carbon, biogeochemical processes
- Anna Runemark – speciation, biodiversity, biogeography, evolutionary genomics, evolutionary biology
- Bengt Hansson – population genetics, conservation genetics, genetic conflict, sex chromosome evolution, speciation, hybridisation, range expansion
- Björn Klatt – conservation biology, pollination biology, pesticides, ecological intensification, yield quality and quantity
- Caroline Isaksson – urbanisation, birds, oxidative stress, nutrition, pollution
- Christer Brönmark – predator-prey interactions, wetlands, landscape of fear, aquatic ecology, limnology
- Dag Ahrén – bioinformatics, systems biology, (meta)genomics, fungal host interactions, next generation sequencing
- Dimitrios Floudas – microbes, carbon cycling, decomposition, genomics, spectroscopy
- Edith Hammer – soil chips to measure soil functions and biodiversity, soil fertility, soil carbon storage, mycorrhiza, synchrotron/spectroscopy analysis
- Emma Kritzberg – aquatic biogeochemistry, land-use, browning, linking terrestrial, limnic and marine systems, bacterial community
- Erik Svensson – evolutionary biology, phenotypic evolution, evolutionary dynamics, color signaling, evolution of phenotypic plasticity
- Francois Maillard – decomposition, microbial community, diversity
- Hanbang Zou – mechanical engineering, microfluids, soil structure, deep learning techniques
- Henrik Smith – conservation biology, ecosystem services, behavioural ecology, agricultural intensification, agri-environment schemes
- Honor C. Prentice – botany, biological systematics, local adaptation, landscape history, plant community assembly
- Håkan Wallander – soil science, microbiology, mycorrhizal fungi, phosphorus, nitrogen
- Jadranka Rota - molecular phylogenetics, systematics, historical biogeography, evolutionary biology, Lepidoptera
- Johannes Rousk – ecology of microorganisms, microbial communities, soil systems, biogeochemistry, microbial decomposition
- Katarina Hedlund – soil science, above- and below ground interactions, microorganism, ecosystem services, sustainable use of soils and agricultural biodiversity
- Kristin Aleklett Kadish - soil ecology, mycorrhizal fungi, microfluidics, fungi
- Lars Pettersson – biodiversity monitoring, citizen science, butterflies and moths, conservation biology, land management
- Lars-Anders Hansson – ecosystem ecology, aquatic ecology, cyanobacteria, food webs, limnology
- Lettice Hicks – plant-soil-microbial interactions, carbon and nutrient cycling (C, N, P), global change ecology, soil fertility and carbon storage, linking microbial community structure and functions
- Magne Friberg – evolutionary biology, evolution of plant signals, plant-insect interaction, life-history biology, molecular and chemical ecology
- Maj Rundlöf – farmland biodiversity interactions, landscape ecotoxicology and effects on bees, pollination, landscape scale experimental setup, network of farmers and national/international connections (EU authorities)
- Mats Hansson – plant architecture, time to flowering, chlorophyll and wax biosynthesis, molecular techniques, biochemical methods
- Martin Stjernman – field biology, conservation biology, agricultural land-use, biodiversity, predictive models
- Mikael Pontarp – evolutionary biology, biogeographical processes, ecosystem structure and dynamics, eco-evolutionary simulation models, ecosystem services
- Milda Pucetaite – carbon cycling in soil, microscale soil fungal interaction, synchrotron radiation, vibrational spectroscopy
- Niklas Wahlberg – biological systematics, evolutionary biology, phylogenetics, diversification, Lepidoptera
- Nils Cronberg – biological systematics, genetics, bryophytes, reproductive biology, evolutionary biology
- Ola Olsson – conservation biology, heterogenous environments, modelling and empirical methods, landscape characteristics, biodiversity, ecosystem services
- Olle Anderbrant – chemical ecology, insects, evolution, pest control, chemical signals
- Pablo Urrutia Cordero - agro-ecosystems, limnology, zooplankton
- Pål Axel Olsson – biodiversity, mycorrhiza, nature conservation, plant-soil interaction, botany
- Stefan Andersson – genetic and experimental research, evolution of wild plants, natural selection, ecotypic variation, inbreeding
- Åke Lindström – birds, monitoring, conservation biology, migration, energetics
- Øystein Opedal – plant interaction, high-alpine communities, changing climate, Dalechampia
- Alexandra Nikoleris – sustainability transitions, narratives
- Pål Börjesson – life cycle assessment, biomass potential, sustainability, agriculture and forestry
- Anne-Birgitte Nielsen – palaeoecology, pollen/vegetation relationships for dominant species, land use history, long term landscape change, millennial scale climate change
- Charlotte Sparrenbom – groundwater, pollution, site conceptual models, remediation, sustainability
- Dan Hammarlund – natural climate fluctuations, lake sediments, paleoecology, quaternary, ecosystem responses
- Daniel Conley – biogeochemical cycles of nutrients, Silica, linkages between land and aquatic ecosystems, paleoecological techniques
- Helena Filipsson – oceanography, hydrology, water resources, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology, marine sciences
- Jesper Sjolte – climate reconstruction, climate modelling, weather patterns, climate extremes, external forcing
- Johannes Edvardsson – tree-ring analysis and data, long-term climate dynamics, peatland development, tree colonization, palaeohydrology
- Karl Ljung – geosciences, multidisciplinary, past climate and environmental changes, microfossils, geochemical methods
- Raimund Muscheler – solar activity, sun-climate linkages, cosmogenic radionuclides, paleoclimate
- Sven Lukas – glaciers, environmental change, climate change, sediments, mountains
- Albert Brangarí – microbial ecology, mechanistic modelling, carbon cycling, carbon sequestration land use
- Anders Ahlström – global cycles of C and water, interplay with climate and society, climate sensitivity, soil carbon dynamics, vegetation dynamics
- Anders Lindroth – greenhouse gas exchange, land-atmosphere, permafrost, eddy covariance flux measurements
- Anna Maria Jönsson v climate change adaptation, forestry and agriculture, phenology, ecosystem modeling, trees and insects
- Anneli Poska – pollen, palaeo ecology, radiation dating, climate reconstruction, biostratigraphy
- Annemarie Eckes-Sephard – vegetation dynamics, computer modelling, LPJ Guess
- Benjamin Smith – ecosystem models, terrestrial ecosystem functioning, interactions with climate, population and community processes, climate research
- Cecilia Akselsson – forest ecosystems, biogeochemical cycles, synergies and conflicts, ecosystem services, sustainable forestry
- Jonas Ardö – carbon cycle, earth observation, Africa, remote sensing, flux and eddy covariance measurements
- Jonathan Seaquist – network analysis, ecosystem production, net primary production, vegetation, interaction of climate and people on vegetation
- Jutta Holst – carbon and methane exchange/fluxes, ICOS, earth and related environmental science
- Karin Hall – ecological remote sensing, farmland, grassland, landscape history, plant species richness
- Lars Eklundh – remote sensing, time series analysis, land resources, vegetation, ecosystem functioning, monitoring, phenology
- Lena Ström – CH4 flux, greenhouse gas balance, vegetation structure, Arctic, wetland
- Lina Eklund - land system dynamics, migration, drought, and conflict in the Middle East, satellite images
- Maj-Lena Linderson – biogeophysics, plant-atmosphere exchange processes, micrometeorology, climatology, ICOS
- Margareta Johansson – permafrost and vegetation interaction, Arctic, active layer, permafrost temperature
- Marko Scholze – data assimilation, global carbon cycle, inverse modelling, climate research, meteorology and atmospheric science
- Martin Berggren – biogeochemical cycles, aquatic systems, dissolved organic carbon, water resources, oceanography
- Minchao Wu - global carbon cycle, vegetation dynamics, ecosystem and climate modelling
- Patrik Vestin - biosphere-Atmosphere exchange processes, greenhouse gas flux measurements; managements effects on GHG exchange in forests, wetlands and in agriculture
- Paul Miller – earth system modelling (incl c and N cycles), LPJ-GUESS (incl LULCC and permafrost), C-N-P interactions incl wetlands, climate change, vegetation dynamic
- Petter Pilesjö – GIS, spatial models, hydrological modelling, topographical modelling, coastal planning
- Stefan Olin – land use, LPJ-GUESS, land-management, soil-organic matter (SOM)
- Thomas Holst – BVOC, biogeochemical climate feedbacks, aerosols, simulation, climate change
- Thomas Pugh - forest ecology, land management, carbon cycle, environmental change
- Torbern Tagesson – primary production, dryland degradation, Sahel, vegetation changes, environmental variability
- Vaughan Phillips - clouds, precipitation, bio-aerosols, ice crystals, pseudomonas syringae
- Veiko Lehsten – ecosystem modelling, migration modelling, paleo fire analyses, late blight modelling, climate research
- Wenxin Zhang - earth system modelling, vegetation-climate feedback, belowground greenhouse gas transport, ecological remote sensing, plant root modelling
- Zheng Duan – satellite remote sensing, eco-hydrological modelling, land cover change, earth observations
- Fariborz Zelli – global environmental governance, international institutions, political theory and philosophy, institutional fragmentation, global trade
- Jakob Skovgaard – international environmental politics, EU climate policy, climate governance, mitigation policy instruments, climate finance
- Johannes Stripple – urban politics of decarbonisation, forests, climate governance, carbon policy and market, imagination
- Nils Droste – quantitative methods, biodiversity, public finance, land use/ land use change, casual inference on policy effects
- Thomas Hickmann - multi-level governance, global sustainability politics, climate policy
- Åsa Knaggård – science-politics relations, environmental policy, public policy, managing scientific uncertainty, cooperation over sectoral and disciplinary boundaries
- Emily Boyd – sustainability, resilience, climate change, loss and damage
- Kimberly Nicholas – sustainable land use, farming systems, sustainable development goals trade offs, food security, climate adaptation
- Mine Islar – environmental governance, political ecology, IPBES, renewable energy
- Torsten Krause – environmental governance, forestry, conservation science, sustainable development
- Henrik Thorén – science in policymaking, interdisciplinarity, uncertainty, sustainability science
University of Gothenburg
All names in the list below link to their respective pages on the website of University of Gothenburg.
- Alexandre Antonelli – evolutionary biology, biodiversity, biogeography, climate change
- Anne Bjorkman – Arctic, alpine tundra ecosystems, biome-wide patterns, plant function and phenological traits
- Annemieke Gärdenäs – biogeophysics, Biogeochemistry, Process-oriented dynamic modelling, Forestry, Agriculture
- Christine Bacon – evolutionary biology, biological systematics, phylogenetics, biogeography, biodiversity
- Daniel Zuleta Zapata – forest ecology, long-term data, forest biomass loss, tree mortality
- Göran Wallin – agricultural sciences, plant ecology, soil science, photosynthetic capacity, resource use efficency
- Håkan Pleijel – interaction between vegetation and atmosphere, ground level-ozone, CO2 effects on crops, traffic air pollutants, urban greenery
- Johan Uddling Fredin – interactions plant-environment, ecophysiology, climate change, CO2 effects on crops, trees and urban air quality
- Lasse Tarvainen - plant ecophysiology, thermal acclimation, drought stress, nutrients, resource use efficiency
- Nestor González Roldán – pollen, health
- Sören Faurby – evolutionary biology, species richness, species diversity, phylogenetics, museum specimens
- Ulf Molau – terrestrial ecology, tundra, experimental warming, temperature sensitivity, subarctic
- Åslög Dahl – allergology, airborne pollen, pollen prognosis, biological weather, climate change effects on pollen
- Mats Björkman – biosphere-atmosphere interactions, cryosphere-atmosphere interactions, changes in soil and microbial composition, changes in carbon and nutrient cycles, permafrost
- Amelie Lindgren – peatland, Skogaryd, permafrost thaw, nitrous oxide emission
- Hans Linderholm – climate variability, effect of climate change on terrestrial and marine ecosystems, role of large-scale circulation in oceans and atmosphere on climate, tree rings, reconstructing past climate changes
- Heather Reese – remote sensing, alpine vegetation, mapping of land cover types, spectral data, spatial modelling
- John Marshall – forest, carbon, primary production
- Louise C. Andresen – plant growth, nutrient limitation, N and P availability, climate change, terrestrial ecosystems
- Robert Björk – plant community dynamics, greenhouse gas fluxes, plant- soil interactions in rizosphere, tundra, responses to climate change
- Tobias Rütting – biogeochemistry, dynamics of N cycle, stable isotope techniques, global change effects on N dynamics, nitrous oxide
- Åsa Kasimir – climate research, forest, peatland, rewetting, IPCC, greenhouse gas exchange
- Deliang Chen – impact of climate change, earth system science, climate dynamics and modeling, atmospheric circulation, synoptic climatology
- Claes Ek - environmental economics, behavioural economics, applied econometrics, public economics
- Daniel Slunge – stakeholder interaction, risk, public health, pesticides, economic valuation
- Fredrik Carlsson – environmental valuation, environmental regulation, environmental economics, social preferences and norms, cooperation and resource conservation
- Gunnar Köhlin – environmental economics, non-market valuation techniques, domestic energy demand, sustainable resource management, soil conservation
- Håkan Eggert – natural resource management, marine issues, behavioural and experimental economics, resource economics
- Jessica Coria – design of environmental policies, modeling of environmental regulation, choice of policy instruments to comply with environmental regulations, developing countries, applied microeconomics
- Olof Johansson Stenman – behavioural economics, environmental economics, public economics, welfare economics
- Peter Martinsson – behavioural economics, environmental economics, experimental economics, development economics, health economics
- Thomas Sterner – economic policy instruments, local and as global environmental problems, climate policy, resource management in developing countries, economics of energy use and climate change
- Lars Gamfeldt – biodiversity, ecosystem multifunctionality, habitat diversity, experimental warming, marine