As a research environment focused on biodiversity and ecosystem services in a changing climate, COP15 in Montreal and the Convention on Biological Diversity is of utmost important for us. Many of our researchers are engaged in what is happening across the sea. Some of their voices has been heard in media and we have gathered them here.
Professor Henrik Smith
Henrik Smith is a professor of Animal Ecology and the coordinator of BECC.
Ahead of COP 15
Henrik Smith was interviewed in Swedish radio several times ahead of COP15:
- One million species are threatened with extinction - the UN hopes for a global agreement (in Swedish)
- Scientists at the summit: Biodiversity extremely important for food production (in Swedish)
- Biodiversity in crisis (in Swedish)
Henrik Smith was also cited in many newspaper, for example:
- Dagens industri: Utan åtgärder står världen inför massutrotning
- Aftonbladet: Utan åtgärder står världen inför massutrotning
- SvD: Utan åtgärder står världen inför massutrotning
Comments on the results of COP15
After COP15 Henrik Smith was asked to comment on the result in Swedish radio and other media:
- Swedish Radio: Historiskt avtal om jordens arter är nu på plats
- Sydsvenskan: Forskare om nya avtalet för biologisk mångfald: ”Lite vin, lite vatten”
- Aftonbladet: Historiskt avtal för naturen på plats
- Tidningen Syre: Globalt naturavtal i hamn: "Idag har vi skrivit historia"
Maria Blasi
Maria Blasi, one of the COP15-attending researchers, makes a short interview for Lund University on the hopes and expectations for the meeting.
Comments on the results of COP15
Maria Blasi was also interviewed after her participation at COP15 by Forskning och framsteg:
Efter COP15: "Jag är försiktigt optimistisk"
Ola Olsson
Live talk before the UN conference on biological diversity, COP 15. Ola Olsson, researcher in biodiversity, answered the viewers' questions on December 5th. You can watch the recording at the link below (in Swedish)
Alexandre Antonelli
Alexandre Antonelli is Kew Gardens’ director of science, and a professor at the department of Biological and environmental sciences at the University of Gothenburg. He is also a member of BECC. Alexandre released his book The Hidden Universe - Adventures in Biodiversity earlier this year. He is often interviewed on questions regarding biodiversity. For example:
Cop15: the most important summit you’ve never heard of
Han kämpar för vårt dolda universum
Artmötet efter en vecka: Tröga förhandlingar och miljö-dna
Comments on the results of COP15
5 punkter: Vad innebär COP15-avtalet om biologisk mångfald?
On the last link above, they talk about environmental-dna which is also studied by researchers in BECC. Learn more about that research on the link below: